# Profiling Handler

The ProfilingHandler wraps around your existing HttpRequestHandler to record performance data for each request that's handled.

With each request that's handled, some information about it is collected: how long it took to process, the request method, response status, and so on. This data is then forwarded to a ProfilingDataHandler for further processing.

Generally, you can swap in a ProfilingHandler as a drop-in wrapper around your original handler, and begin collecting profiling information from it.

Suppose you've made a request handler like the one below, and you want to profile its performance. Simply wrap it in a ProfilingHandler, and supply a data handler to deal with the profiling data that's emitted.

// Suppose you have this handler
class MyHandler : HttpRequestHandler {
    void handle(ref HttpRequestContext ctx) {
        ctx.response.status = HttpStatus.OK;
        ctx.response.writeBodyString("Hello there!");

void main() {
    import handy_httpd.handlers.profiling_handler;
    new HttpServer(profiled(new MyHandler())).start();

# Data Handlers

While you can, and probably should create your own ProfilingDataHandler, Handy-Httpd ships with a few that are ready to use out-of-the-box, if you just want to get started and play around with some stats.

# Logging Data Handler

The LoggingProfilingDataHandler will emit messages to the application's SLF4D (opens new window) logging system. It will emit a short message for each request that's handled, as well as occasionally a more detailed message with some aggregate data from the last few requests.

This is the default data handler that's used if you don't specify one when wrapping your request handler with the profiled function.

import handy_httpd.handlers.profiling_handler;
import slf4d : Levels;
HttpRequestHandler wrappedHandler = profiled(
    new MyHandler(),
    new LoggingProfilingDataHandler(
        Levels.INFO, // The logging level to output messages at.
        25, // Send a detailed message once per 25 requests.
        500 // Keep the last 500 requests cached for stats.

# CSV Data Handler

The CsvProfilingDataHandler writes all request data to a CSV file so that you can process it later however you like.

import handy_httpd.handlers.profiling_handler;
HttpRequestHandler wrappedHandler = profiled(
    new MyHandler(),
    new CsvProfilingDataHandler("MyHandler-profiling.csv")

Here's a sample of what that CSV data looks like:

2023-03-23T23:29:35.0386197, 5, DELETE, 200
2023-03-23T23:29:35.0386406, 2, HEAD, 200
2023-03-23T23:29:35.038647, 14, DELETE, 200
2023-03-23T23:29:35.0386532, 230, GET, 200

Note that the specified CSV file will be overwritten if it already exists.

# Thread Safety and Performance

Because of the fact that an HttpRequestHandler may be invoked from multiple worker threads, a profiler's data handler may therefore have its handle method invoked from multiple threads. You should be aware of this for two main reasons:

  • When creating your own ProfilingDataHandler, you may need to use a mutex or synchronized block to avoid concurrency issues.
  • Wrapping your request handler in a ProfilingHandler may lead to performance bottlenecks if your data handler needs to synchronize access to resources.

With that in mind, the ProfilingHandler should be used as a tool to measure performance and other patterns for a particular handler, but should probably not be a permanent part of how you build your server.