This module defines the components of SLF4D's default logging provider, which will be used if no other provider is configured when the application starts.
This module defines the LoggerFactory, a component that's part of a LoggingProvider's implementation, and produces Logger instances to use at runtime.
The handler module defines the LogHandler interface, as well as several simple handler implementations that can be used or extended by SLF4D providers.
Defines the concept of a *Log Level*, that is, a quantifiable *severity* of a log message, which can be used to determine if such a message is shown, or where that message gets routed.
This module defines a set of logging functions that can be used in any application. There is a set of basic log functions that accept any logging level, as well as pre-defined functions for the standard SLF4D logging levels.
This module defines the Logger; the central component from which all log messages originate. You
An SLF4D logging provider that simply discards all log messages. This can be used during testing, if you'd like to suppress expected log messages.
Contains the specification for SLF4D providers to implement.
The test module defines some common components and imports that are useful for testing your application's logging behavior.
An SLF4D provider that is intended to be used for testing. The provider class, TestingLoggingProvider, includes some convenience methods to inspect the log messages generated while it's active.
This module defines the SerializingLogHandler, LogWriter interface, and associated components for writing serialized log messages to external systems.
Configures SLF4D to use the given logging provider. Call this once on application startup. In order to improve runtime performance, access to this provider is **not** synchronized, so attempts to reconfigure the logging provider after startup may lead to undefined behavior.
Gets a Logger using the configured logger factory. This is a shortcut for getLoggerFactory().getLogger().
Gets the global shared logger factory instance. If no provider has been explicitly configured, the slf4d.default_provider module's DefaultProvider is used.
Gets the global shared logging provider instance. If no provider has been explicitly configured via configureLoggingProvider, then SLF4D's default provider will be used (or testing provider for unit tests).
Resets the logging state. Call this after your test, if you configured the global shared logging provider.
The main module of SLF4D, which publicly imports all of the components that are typically needed in an application for logging. It also defines the global shared loggerFactory from which all application loggers are obtained.